Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Le racisme à la québecoise en 2007

J'ai reçu un courriel de la part d'un bon ami au sujet d'un incident qui s'est produit dans le cadre de l'émission de Dominique Poirier sur RDI et qui impliquait Luck Mervil avec un auditeur venant de la région de Québec. Après avoir lu le texte, j'ai remarqué à quel point le racisme ne veut tout simplement pas mourir.

En effet, dans le texte, l'auteur donne en détail l'incident:

"Le chanteur Luck Mervil a eu à faire un commentaire disant qu'au lieu de continuer à privatiser l'eau au Québec, car il en manquait trop dans le monde, on devrait plutôt l'étatiser. Un téléspectateur Québécois de Québec a alors appelé pour faire le commentaire raciste suivant et je cite: "Je pense, Luck Mervil, que vous êtes Haïtien? Alors je ne vois pas qui vous êtes pour critiquer nos ingénieurs qui eux travaillent fort tandis qu'en Haïti dans ton pays, les égouts sont à ciel ouvert et il n'y a aucune infrastructure. En plus, 50% des Haïtiens qui viennent au Québec sont sur le bien-être social alors pourquoi vous n'essayez pas de régler les problèmes là-bas au lieu de venir nous dire quoi faire?"

Wow ! C'est absolument incroyable de lire de telles imbécilités en 2007. En 2007 ! Come on ! Même si que je ne suis pas un fan de Luck Mervil, mais il a bel et bien le droit quand même d'exprimer ses opinions sur une question qui concerne tous les Québécois. De plus, qu'est-ce que cet auditeur connait sur Haïti et les Haïtiens qui vivent au Québec. Vraiment, l'attitude de cette personne vient de montrer la preuve que l'égocentrisme continue de contribuer au racisme de certains habitants des régions situées à l'est de la métropole. Ces gens-là devraient apprendre à se regarder dans le miroir avant de juger les autres.

Je dois donner crédit à Luck Mervil pour avoir gardé son calme et dire sa façon de penser, à Dominique Poirier pour avoir coupé la ligne à cet auditeur imbécile qui a tout simplement manqué de respect envers les autres téléspectateurs et envers lui-même. Et finalement, à mon bon ami Doody pour avoir écrit ce brillant texte qui doit amener les gens à la réflexion face à ce sujet.

Pour lire le texte au complet veuillez cliquer ici.

Monday, August 27, 2007

La chute de Michael Vick

Comme vous le savez tous, Michael Vick a plaidé coupable pour sa participation à un réseau clandestine de combat à chiens, activité qui est strictement défendue par la loi aux États-Unis et passible d'une peine d'emprisonnement allant jusqu'à 5 ans. Vick doit comparaître en cour le 12 décembre prochain afin de connaître sa sentence. Dans son cas, on parle d'une peine d'emprisonnement d'entre 12 et 18 mois.

Bien sûr que Michael Vick n'a personne à blâmer que lui-même pour son implication dans cette sordide histoire et il doit vivre avec les conséquences de ses actions. Mais ce qui est très triste dans tout cela, c'est le fait que Vick risque de se retrouver sans le moindre sou après sa sortie de prison. En effet, la NFL vient de le suspendre sans salaire et que son ancienne équipe, les Falcons d'Atlanta, vont probablement faire les démarches pour récupérer les 30 millions $ en boni qu'ils avaient offert à Vick durant la signature de son riche contrat de 130 millions $. De plus,suite aux pressions faites par des organismes associés aux droits des animaux tels que la très hypocrite PETA (
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) et the Humane society entre autres, certains commanditaires comme Nike et Rawlings ont mis fin à leur association avec l'ancien quart-arrière étoile et plusieurs millions en commandites qui s'envolent en fumée.

Mais la partie la plus dérangeante dans tout cela, c'est tout le tapage médiatique sur cette affaire alors que le problème des combats de chiens est beaucoup plus profond et ces activités se passent n'importe où en Amerique du nord malgré son interdiction par la loi. Pourtant, les médias parlaient rarement de cette activité horrible. Mais dès que le nom de Michael Vick, un athlète noir en passant, est associé avec le réseau clandestin de combat de chien, voilà qu'ils se lèvent en grande pompe pour le diaboliser et de présenter beaucoup de reportages sur le sujet. Incroyable comment les médias corporatifs occidentaux continuent de faire tomber des athlètes noirs dès que ces derniers arrivent à un statut de super-vedettes.

Maintenant, malgré ses excuses publiques et sa volonté de se repantir, il est clair que la vie de Michael Vick ne sera plus jamais la même puisque son nom sera toujours lié à des combats de chien.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bill O'Reilly 's self-righteous attack on Hip-hop

Bill O'Reilly is at it again. For many years, that self-righteous TV personality has viciously attacked the culture of Hip-hop whenever he gets the opportunity. For those unfamiliar with this guy, he's the host of the most popular show on the extreme right-wing news network Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, very famous for taking on issues that affect the conservative point of views.

But O'Reilly is very known to be involved in controversies.

Do you remember the Ludacris-Pepsi fiasco when the soft drink company decided to drop Ludacris as spokeperson following many complaints about his music, which was characterized as "mysoginistic" and "violent". Do you wanna know who was behind this decision ? You guess it, Bill O'reilly.

He was clearly the culprit of that fiasco when he blasted Ludacris saying that he was a "violent artist" who is giving a bad example for the youth in America. Then, he went on to say audaciously that Britney Spears has a more "positive effect" than Ludacris and Pepsi should have gave her the spot. Pepsi signed the Osbourne family as spokesperson. Furthermore, Hip-Hop mogul Russell Simmons called for the boycott of Pepsi in response to that decision and demanded an apology to Ludacris and some millions dollars to donate on the artist's charities. Eventually, Pepsi settled with Simmons to avoid the boycott as well as with Ludacris even though the company did not formally apologized to him. If I was Ludacris, I would have sued both Pepsi and Bill O'Reilly for millions for damages and interests.

That was, if I'm not mistaken, the beginning of Bill O'Reilly's crusade on Hip Hop.

Recently, Virginia Tech officials have organized a tribute concert for the victims of last spring' s tragic shootings to be held in September. Among featured artists to perform is Nas, whose recent effort "Hip-Hop is Dead" has been well received by fans and critics. Of course, this announcement didn't sit well with Bill O'Reilly and quickly, he jumps on the occasion to denounce the concert and to call for the immediate removal of Nas based on ignorant facts such as his lyrics are promoting gun violence. By the way, Nas has NEVER wrote a song about promoting violence or inciting people to violence. What is very sad it's the fact that O'Reilly didn't do any research on the subject and didn't invite Nas to debate on the issue.

For me, Bill O'Reilly is nothing more than an arrogant, pompous, ignorant and racist scumbag who will do anything to get high ratings. He may be well-respected among a certain group of journalists, but I won't give him any respect as long he uses lies and deceit along with hypocrisy to get his point across.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

UFO in Haiti ?

Whoa ! A good friend of mine has sent me an email about some UFO being spotted in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic on August 6, 2007. At first, I thought it was a sick joke but after seeing the clip, which by the way can be seen on, I was flabbergasted. It seems so real but I'm skeptical about it. Since the passing of one of my relatives, two years ago, I became more interested in spirituality and esoterism but I don't believe in UFO stuff because I thought it is fake and a tool to trick people into fear.

Now, with that clip, I don't know but still skeptical though. Anyways, go these links :

Judge for yourself !

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Barry did it ! Barry did it !

You heard it, Barry Bonds has just hit no. 756 to break Hank Aaron's Major League Baseball all-time home run record in his homepark, AT&T Park in San Francisco.

I hope now all the haters (MSM sportswriters and dumb fans) will finally leave him alone. No, wait! Erase that. They can't and won't leave him alone because of his alleged steroids use. I already know what they gonna write or say tomorrow morning whether on the papers, on the tube or on the mic. Their nauseating hatred for Bonds won't stop.

It is a shame that Commissioner Bud Selig didn't attend that historic game, because it was a chance to him to congratulate Bonds for his achievement. Well, at least, Hank Aaron offered his congratulation through to the jumbotron. But It was rather a cynical one as we know he has been under pressure to not attend and even not recognizing Bonds's achievements due to the alleged use of PED (Performance Enhancing Drugs).

Anyways, in my mind, Barry Bonds is a first-ballot hall of famer and I believe that we should not put an asterisk on his record because it would be self-righteousness and hypocritical. Also, it would be hypocritical to make Barry the poster boy for the so-called "Steroid era" and to leave Major League Baseball off the hook in this mess.

Congratulations Barry for your achievement and a big F@*& you to the haters!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Barry hits no. 755 !

Barry Bonds has hit home run no. 755 to tie the all-time record with Hank Aaron, last night, against the Padres in San Diego. Bonds smacked the tying home run in the second inning against Padres pitcher Clay Hensley.

Yeah, I'm extremely happy for Barry. Like him or not, we should give him the credit that he deserve. I hope he breaks the records and all the haters can kiss his ass.

And please, don't even put an asterik besides the number!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Rupert Murdoch and the crime of media consolidation

If media ownership concentration was a crime, then News Corporation president Rupert Murdoch and other media moguls should be arrested and punished by the full extent of the law. Is it unbelievable and utterly disgusting to see the lack of action by governments in North America through their agency (FCC and CRTC) on the issue that is undermining democracy.

As you may know by now, Rupert Murdoch had bought the Dow Jones & CO, the company formerly owned by the Bancroft Family, for $ 5 Billion, last Wednesday. With this sale, News Corp. become the new owner of one of the most influential corporate newspaper in the world in the Wall Street Journal. News Corp. is already the owner of more than 100 newspapers worldwide like the Times of London, Chicago Sun-Times and the New York Post. It is also the owner of Fox Television in the U.S. and Sky News in the U.K. along with dozen of media companies from publishing to film and home entertainment, satellite broadcasting and the internet with the social networking website Under new ownership, the Wall Street Journal will likely have less power on its editorial, thus losing its journalistic integrity. The sale confirms that the media, corporate media to be honest, had become a lapdog for business and political interests of their owners.

This is really bad for journalism and journalistic independence. With corporate control, the news reporting became infotainment where the lifestyles of celebrities are more important than investigative journalism. Also, corporate owners dictate the contents on the news which violate the integrity and independance of the journalist. No wonder why they don't show or hear the real side of the war in Iraq or crimes committed MINUSTAH officials in Haiti.

Robert McChesney from Free Press give a good indication of the situation by saying that media ownership concentration is unconscionable.

It is clear that media consolidation kills the competiton and this sale is truly a dark day for democracy

For more infos on the Murdoch deal check these websites:
Free Press -
Stop Big Media-
Democracy Now:
Media Matters: